I’m sure we’ve all heard that relationships are for a reason, a season or a lifetime. That statement is so true and it can also keep the many different friendships that we have in proper perspective. We all have different distinct friends as well as different activities and or events in our life.
Have you ever thought about categorizing your friendships to manage them better? Let’s face it, there are going to be a lot of times that your patience may wear thin with certain people although you like or love them. Think about it, the friend that you go to parties with, may not be the friend that you should go on vacation with or take to a family gathering. The friend that you meet occasionally for lunch, may not be the friend to go shopping with. Simply because you don’t have the same taste in apparel.
The key is determining what do you have in common with each of your friends. First of all, let me tell you, if they chose you as a friend and you are not really sure why you are friends with this person. Sever that relationship immediately. No relationship is going to be perfect, but you should have some say in who is worthy of your company and time. Once you determine what you have in common with that friend stick to those identified activities with that person. I may go to a concert with a group of friends that may never come to my home. Keep people in their lane. All of your outings will be a lot more enjoyable.
We all are unique and diverse people with different facets to our personalities, lets respect that and make our relationships a lot more manageable. I would not mix my college crew with my work friends or my vacation group.
Besides it gives me so many choices of different events with different people. Try it, hopefully you will find it valuable advice. Then as time goes by you can see who makes the cut to be around for a lifetime.