This blog goes out to all the fellas in the world that believe chivalry still exist. Thumbs down goes to the women around the world who don’t recognize it. Growing up I was raised to always use chivalry. That meant opening and holding doors for a lady when walking towards or exiting a doorway. That also meant opening and holding car doors to let the lady in first. I was even taught to walk on the outside of the sidewalk so that the lady can walk on the inside. I guess that was created just in case an out of control car came speeding and jumped the sidewalk as a man I’m suppose to gently push the lady to the side so that I would take on the force of a 5 ton truck to save her life. Haha. Either way, chivalry was the way to be growing up and it still is in my opinion. With that being said, some women act like they don’t appreciate chivalry when it is shown to them.
I can remember the first time when I personally experienced the harsh reality of chivalry gone wrong. My friends and I was driving home one night from hanging out in the city. We stopped at a red light and at the bus stop was a lady waiting for the bus. Out of no where a guy on a bicycle snatched the ladies pocketbook and sped off. Being young, bold and gullible, we quickly put the car in reverse and chased the hooded thief down the hill-boxing him in a corner. We all jumped out and began chasing the guy around the car. The thief than pulled out a weapon- I’m not sure if it was a gun or what, but he then turned around and started chasing us around the car. I mean this was a scene straight out of a comic book. Finally the hooded thief dropped the purse and ran off. Begin the super hero gentlemen we were-we proudly walked up to the lady- handed her back the purse and the lady didn’t even say thank you. I can never forget that experience. We got back in the car and drove off feeling like a bunch of fools. The lesson we learned that night was-a hero ain’t nothing but a sandwich. We also drove off feeling like chivalry is dead.
I can go on and on about how many times I’ve held doors open, gave up my seat on the train, as well as allowed women to skip lines and on several occasions I didn’t get as much as a thank you. I’m not going to lie but sometimes the evil in me just wants to say- you freakin blah, blah, blah. I hope you freakin blah, blah- all over your blah, blah. But I was not raised that way, so I would just say- your welcome and keep it moving. The truth is, I do walk away feeling a little under appreciated. My question to all the fellas is, Is chivalry overrated? Do women really appreciate the chivalry that men show them? Did women’s belief in equality kill chivalry? Should we as men start calling out women when they ignore our kind gestures? Now I’m still gonna use chivalry, because I feel it’s the right thing to do. However, there are some women that make showing chivalry awfully hard. blog readers tell us how you feel. Does or should chivalry still exist? Do share.