Today I would like to talk about family. All my life I’ve heard people talk about how important family is to them. We all heard the saying Family First, family over money, blood is thicker than water, family must stick together, a family that prays together stays together, or I’ve even heard people say they will do anything for there family. The list can go on and on. My question to all of you is, how important is your family really to you? Also, when was the last time you actually reached out to an uncle of yours or a cousin or perhaps even a sister or brother? My curiosity lead me to do some research & according to AARP most family members communicate with each other less than 50% of the time over the phone or face to face. It’s a shame that most people communicate with their friends on a regular basis more than they do their own flesh and blood. I must admit I’m actually guilty of this myself. I find myself talking to my friends more often on a weekly basis then I actually reach out to my family members on a yearly basis. After thinking about this for a while it led me to asking why do I enjoy communicating with my friends and Associates more than I do my own family. Upon further research I found that with most family members relationships are developed at family functions such as weddings, family reunions, funeral services and anniversaries. Outside of those events most family members simply just don’t care to stay in contact with one another. So this brings me back to the question at hand how important is family to you and why is it that we communicate more with our friends more than we do our own family members? And even worse people communicate with other people via social media more than they do their own family members. To me this is beyond and epidemic and this is not just the problem in the black community.